S01-Ep8: Letting Go to Let In

Feb 05, 2021

"Manifestation" is a common word these days, but what does it even mean? 

I'm no expert on the topic, but I DO manifest a lot in my life. 

Up until recently, I found it easy to manifest what I considered 'small things' in life - but I struggled manifesting bigger things.

That is, until I recently saw evidence in my own life of EXACTLY HOW I was able to manifest things - and perhaps more importantly what was holding me back from experience manifestation success in the past. 

Plus, we'll talk about how manifestation has a place in our every day lives, and how you can start creating a better life TODAY with these incredible tips.

In this episode: 

  • The Key Most People are Missing for Successful Manifestation
  • Why Our Energy Vibrations are Important at ALL TIMES
  • How to Shift Your Energy from a Low-Vibe energy (attracting low-vibe people and things) to a High-Vibe energy to Attract More Abundance, Love, and Ease in Life

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