Episode 19 - Life Sucks - Now What
Oct 05, 2022
Sometimes Life Sucks. Right? Life can be hard.
Something happens to you or in the world around you, and you can’t help but think, ‘Man, this sucks!’ or ‘Why is life so difficult all the time?’
Perhaps something crappy has happened to you in your life recently - you are going through a difficult breakup or in a bad relationship, you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic or even fatal disease, you’ve lost your job, or you’re struggling to make ends meet as inflation continues to rise.
Life can be full of challenges. And at times it’s very common to think “Life Sucks”.
I was recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and there was a part of me that immediately thought, “Life Sucks”.
Thankfully, however, I understand the difference between “life” and our “life situation”. It our life situation that can suck - not life itself. And that’s exactly what I’ll explain inside this podcast.
In this podcast you’ll learn:
- The difference between “life” and our “life situation” that when understood is the key to living a joyful life no matter what is going on around you
- Why focusing on the constant change, or impermanence of life, will actually help you get through your most challenging times
- The beliefs that you learned as a child are still affecting your current reality
- How to harness the power of your mind to create a better life for yourself
- How to choose a new path amidst challenging times to bring yourself to new levels of joy
At the end of the episode, I’ve got an epic question for you. Make sure you find me on Instagram @KandisJames.KJ and let me know your answer to it!
See you on the inside!
Xo, Kandis
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